
Interested in Hockey?

ONLINE REGISTRATION IS NOW AVAILABLE!! Please go to the link on our homepage!

New to Redwater? Contact our registrar with your questions or registrar online as a new player.

Season typically is from end of September to end of March.
All levels but U7 practice twice a week and games on weekends.

 Please use the link for registration. If you are paying by credit card please register through this website and the Ramp website for payment. If paying by cheque, or EMT, only the Hockey Canada website is necessary.

Click here to register (Hockey Canada) REGISTRATION LINK   

RMHA's Registrar




U7- under 7 years of age as of 31st December of the current year $400.00 

U9- under 9 years of age as of 31st December of the current year $600.00 

U11-under 11 years of age as of 31st December of the current ye $650.00

U13- under 13 years of age as of 31st December of the current year $700.00

U15- under 15 years of age as of 31st December of the current year $750.00 

U18- under 18 year of age as of the 31 December of the current year $800.00 

Payment can be made as either one payment or 3 payments.

REGISTRATION DEADLINE: MAY 31ST of current year for returning players and September for New players.

All fees must be received in full or have arranged a payment plan and made one payment by September 30th, of current year, once fees are paid in full, the player will be registered with Hockey Alberta and covered by the insurance. No player will be allowed on the ice until they are registered and insured. 

Each individual player is required to participate in Association Fundraising. Please see the following IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR HOCKEY FAMILIES DOCUMENT for information regarding fundraising activities.

Fees plus a $600.00 cheque (per family) postdated to March 31 of the current year and you are required to fundraise in ALL fundraising events put on for the season. If fundraising requirements are not met only option two will be available next season and your cheque will be cashed.

Fees plus a $400.00 cheque (per player) and no fundraising required 


Time Box, Score Keeper, Manager, Coaching and Jersey Parent are NOT considered fundraising. These are day to day team expectations and all parents are be involved.

Registration Information

Registration and Fees

Ø Attend the May Annual General Meeting in the spring and have pre-registered your child, you can be entered into a draw for a free registration.

Attend the September Annual General Meeting and receive a $50 discount on one registration fee.
Ø Returning Players registering after May 31 of the current year will be subject to a $100.00 late fee. Decisions to accept late registrations will be made by the executive at a regularly scheduled meeting.

Ø The registration fee and fundraising deposits must be received by September 30 or a plan made with the RMHA President and Treasurer to make payments or your child may not be able to return to the ice until this effort is made. Any information given is always confidential. o Payment for the registration fee may be made in the form of a single cheque made payable to RMHA and can be post-dated no later than October 1 of the current year, Etransfer or cash. 

o Individuals wishing to utilize a payment plan must provide on or before September 30, of the current year, 3 equal payments by post-dated cheques or e-transfer. NSF charge of $50.

o Please refer to the following IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR HOCKEY FAMILIES DOCUMENT for information regarding fundraising activities and cheque requirements. 

o Failure to provide the fee payment and fundraising cheques by September 30 will mean that the registration is deemed “not received”. o Failure to make  payment by September 30, of the current year, will mean that the registration is deemed, “not received”.

Ø All players must have at least one parent certified in the parent “Respect In Sport” program. The course is online and is accessible through . This must be completed before the player is allowed on the ice.

Ø Players new to Redwater or who have never played hockey must provide a copy of their Birth Certificate with their registration.

Ø Players previously registered in a Local Minor Hockey Association other than Redwater must provide the name of their previous Local Minor Hockey Association, the RMHA Registrar will request the release. Ø Refunds will be structured as follows:

o Prior to October 1st - 100%

o Before October 31st - 85%

o Before November 30th - 45%

o No refund after November 30th


Tryout Information

Notification to TryOut is required for any player wishing to tryout for a AA or AAA team. This form needs to be filled out by Parent/Guardian and RMHA President, and must accompany registration fees and fundraising fees for the current season. This form is then to be taken to the tryout association by the parent/guardian. 

RMHA Notification of Tryout Form (Please include the HA Notification of Try-Out Form, click link on image below)

Hockey Alberta Forms


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